Monday, November 4, 2013

Market Time!

Its almost 3:30 on a Sunday afternoon; it's time to head to the market down the road.  What?? You want to come??? WONDERFUL!  Hop on, hold on and here we go.................

Just a few hours previous on the market grounds.

And here it is...filling up fast!
See the green sign?
Watch for it in the next picture.
Loaded with booths and people and boys getting cold drinks.
On the way in, watch out for puddles and slippery mud.  On your left is a monk collecting offerings.  A common sight in a predominately Buddhist nation.

You smell that? Yes, the unmistakable scent of roasted bull frogs. Get one while its hot, with a side of fried pork rinds.

Okay, okay, I shouldn't have showed you those first.  Lets go to the fruit area, much more 
Fresh pineapple, sliced and diced.  Only $1.  You want one?

I know, hard to choose the perfect one.

Hold on, here we have some sort of nut they are selling by the can full.  
If you want, I can get a sample for you.
Where's George?  Oh yes, choosing something to spend his allowance on.
Got the ones you want?  Great, lets keep moving.
All sorts of goodies baked in banana leaves and fire roasted.  Lets see, we have shrimp, fish, rice,
 and some sort of poultry.
I see broth with snails and peppers floating around.  Interested?
  For pets or dinner, you choose.

 The kids spy something big and shiny, yes, its a monstrous bouncy castle in the middle of the market.  

Hold on a second. After all that bouncing, the lads are hungry.
They decided on the squid. Want a bite?
And we are off again.  Shoes on your left. And stretchy pants and t-shirts coming up.
Nice selection of fish laying on banana leaves.  Not bad prices either.  

In the bins? Rice.

WHOA!  What's wrong? Oh sorry, should have warned you about the pig and all its parts for sale. 

You getting tired yet? How about a few more stops?

Alright, let's head home. You did GREAT!  You were a real trouper.
Not a market for the faint of heart.
Time to take home our goodies: flowers, bananas, fireworks, popcorn & crickets.


  1. Roasted bull frog....sounds just lovely! :) What is that the George bought with him allowance? Is it to eat? Also, impressed that he likes squid! You boys are so adventurous- love it! :)

    1. Usually George would buy something as a pet, then a week later it would need to be replaced again. Good thing its affordable for a 10 year old ;)

  2. What a great blog! Had to look at it again the pictures and all those sweet faces!!! Good memories for us too. Praying for you, thankful for the work you are doing for Him!

    1. I think half of these pictures are yours! I should have asked permission from the photographer first..... :)
