Saturday, September 14, 2013

Full hearts and tired heads

Cultural experiences can be a challenge when you have no choice but to participate in them.  Oftentimes it's a language barrier while shopping or a misunderstanding while eating--like asking why a roll of TP is on the table (they're your napkins, silly foreigner!) But when you need to stop and take that dreaded trip to the hospital with your child, knowing she isn't okay, that's when "cultural experiences" aren't too fun.  

 My neighbor and I rushed Juniper to the hospital on Tuesday to find out a nasty bacterial infection was making its home in her stomach and intestines. 

No thanks.

I don't want to be a million miles away right now or  have to translate in my head while my child is hurting. And please don't tell me we have to stay here a night or two or more....

Juniper gasps for air while vomiting, she looks at me and asks me to pray.

It stops my negative thinking and I grab her tiny, pale hand. I  remember Jesus is here with us in Thailand, to thank Him we had this hospital down the road.  I look up and there is our neighbor; I thank Jesus for her. I also thanked Him for yet another opportunity to trust Him with all I have. 

As we waited for a room for 3 hours, this bed was available. I chose not to photo the blood stains, but was assured by the staff that it was clean.  I had to pray for protection for her little body, and once again, surrender her to the Lord.  Her life is in His hands, and really, I would want it no other way. 
Our neighbor/Thai grandma  is amazing. She stayed with Juniper and I  for hours. 

Finally, a clean, private room. They had a mat for me so I could sleep next to her. Breakfast was supposed to be ordered the night before, but I didn't know.  So we waited over two hours to get our food.  The fact Juni was hungry was a good sign. 

A visit from Dad helped to perk up the sick girl.

Less than 24 hours later, Juni was taking off down the hall to see her "friends". 

We left the hospital with a healthy girl, a bag of  medicine, and gratitude for the heaps of family and friends praying for us. Our hearts of full and our heads are tired.
Father, we know full well, our lives are yours to do as you wish.  
So we will continue to Proverbs 3:5-6 it each day.

 "Trust God from the bottom of your heart; 
don’t try to figure out everything on your own. 
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go
he’s the one who will keep you on track."


  1. Love you, Friends! Prayers for you often! Saudades!!

  2. These are the moments where your heart drops, but it never hits the floor because He holds it in His hands. So thankful Juni is well! Praise the Lord Jesus! Your family is serving the Lord Jesus, and the enemy is not happy about it. You shine the light of Jesus so brightly, and you can see it in the pictures of Juni. Keep shining brightly!!

    1. I like what you said about our hearts not hitting the floor. Good words. Praying for you guys right now!

  3. Oh Jill! I am on the verge of tears reading this. When Sophia was in the hospital last year for 12 hours it was horribly hard, and we were in our home town! I hurt for you and how hard this was! I also rejoice with you for a loving Thai neighbor, a strong girl, and a loving Heavenly Father! We will continue to pray! Love from an ocean away!

    1. Thanks for your prayers and love. The Lord is gracious to us and provides either strength, help or enough caffeine to get through it!

  4. We have been praying for Juni and it is so wonderful to see her back to blessing everyone with her personality. Big hugs for you all.

    1. Thanks for your prayers and love! Big hugs right back :)
