Sunday, December 29, 2013

Thirteen Recollections from 2013

HAPPY 2014!!!
Once again, the end of one year and the beginning of another has come; it's a good time to pause, look back and reflect.

Of course 2013 flew by.

We attempted to hold on, took a few pictures to jog the memory, and jotted down thoughts along the way. 2013 was one of those "whew...we made it!" years--here are a few milestones that came to mind:

Thirteen Recollections from 2013 

1. We've lived 18 months in Thailand and are feeling a bit more at home each day.

2. We've had encouragement in the forms of letters, packages, humans and love delivered to our front door.

3. We've watched our kids grow another year older.

4. We are feeling another year older ourselves (for better and for worse...).

5. Over the past 12 months we have housed over 2 dozen pets.

6. Through all the health issues, we saw how the Lord feels with us, carries us through and gives endurance.

7. Jill and Juni traveled to Bangkok with our Thai neighbors.

8. The Grace School community has become like family.

9. We taught the fine art of baked potatoes to our neighbors.

10.  We came through seasons of smoke, hot, rain, cool and mosquito (I guess mosquito season is year long).

11.  We became friends with a family from Myanmar, and they have transformed our kids' prayer lives.

12. We can now be particular about which Thai food we eat; we know the best phad Thai in town and have figured out how to order soup without the fish meat balls (most of the time).

13. Our hearts have been filled with gratitude to our God who has sustained us and given us breath the last 365 days.

And as for the year to come?  Romans 12:12 sums up our thoughts:

 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

And what would the final blog of 2013 be without a slew of photos from the year???


  1. Thanks for sharing your year....many prayers have been lifted up for you and will continue in 2014. Love you so much! Quite a year!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks you guys! How is life for you? Have a happy 2014 :)

  3. Wow, can't believe you been there for a year and a half! Happy that this year has brought so much joy your way and praying for an awesome 2014!

    PS - you're rocking the blonde hair, girl! :)

    1. You know, I have always been a blonde at heart...ha! Happy 2014 to you all!
