Monday, October 6, 2014

A table, some water and Hayley Mills.

You know the verse about rejoicing in the Lord always? (Phil 4.4)

I have those times where this verse is so great, and I can underline it and put happy faces by it and all is well. For example:

While in the US, I was thumbing through furniture catalogs (dangerous considering the luggage limit on the airlines).  Wow, look at this table: 
Boy, this could handle lots of kids, spills, homework, food, and all at the same time! I ripped out the ad, maybe I could find a worker in Chiang Mai who can replicate this someday.

We get home. We get life back in order. I forget about the ad.

A few days pass and my neighbor comes over,  "Sawadee-Ka (Thai greeting) Jill, I hired a carpenter while you were away to make a whole bunch of random furniture.  He made this table, and these benches, and I don't know where to put it.  Do you want it in your house?"

WOO! Rejoice! I'll even rejoice again!!!

But the times come where I wonder just why I underlined this verse and put happy faces next to it. For example: Juniper got sick in the night, the sick where a pile of sheets await upon waking. First thing next morning, after kicking the ants off, I grab the load and hold my breathe ready to toss them in the machine...wait...oh no....

The water is filthy! I can't wash anything in this! The nasty pile of sheets must wait, along with the other laundry, dishes, and people who are needing a scrub. Not a whole lot of rejoicing going on. I am thinking this verse, sometimes it's easy, but today: impossible!  

I sigh. I glance down in the same chapter in Philippians,

"Then you will experience God's peace, 
which exceeds anything we can understand.
 His peace will guard your heart and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." v.7

Wait, peace? Even during the nasty days?

I figure it is choosing to remember that my circumstances don't have to dictate my attitude. There is always more than meets the eye in the events of my life. Of your life. We don't get to see the whole picture, maybe never will.

Used with Permission 
My mind wanders to the Glad Game. You remember in the movie, Pollyanna, where she finds something good in everything?  Should I start playing? It would annoy my kids; it would annoy the world. 

Nah. I will spare everyone.

But I can keep trusting the One who has the big picture in mind!

"Rejoice in the Lord always and again, I say rejoice!" 

And while on the subject of trust and life, Stew wrote an article "Faith In Thailand" and it was published on the Summit Church website. It is a two minute read, find it here: Life Stories


  1. What a great blog, Jill! So amazing about the table and benches but so like our loving God who remembered your thought and wanted you to know He did. Prayers for you every day! Love the font and all the green....and the link to Tim's moving article....

  2. Ha, I love the Pollyanna reference. :) And I love your new table, what a wonderful provision for you guys. Thanks for being so open and honest about life as it happens and choosing to trust in the One who has us all in the palm of His hand. And I have to keep reminding myself of my "first world problems" and how much i have to be thankful for!

    1. Thanks Nat! Don't forget, even if you have the "first world's" version of problems, they are still problems and you can trust Him with it all! And Weird Al's song with that title is our new fave around!
      You gotta see it!

  3. Jill, I love, love, love reading your posts! I can see your smile, as you shine through your writing. Yes, rejoice in the Lord. Thank you for your encouraging words... and Tim's, too. God must be speaking to all of us around the world about His will be done and not ours, as a group of missionaries here in Rwanda were just discussing this topic. Keep on, sis! The pressure can be very intense, but lean all the more onto Jesus. Now that my kids are in a school for mission kids, I am so thankful for the investment these teachers are making in their lives while I'm off working... and I know there are many families who are greatly impacted by your family's sacrifice. Sending hugs to you and the family! - The Bennetts

    1. Love that your kids are both in the school there, we are honored to partner with you and the other missionaries around the world...doing what we can with what the Lord has given us. We are all on the same team, huh! For His glory, above all else. Blessings to you, Heather!

  4. Jill- what a wonderful blog post! I love your new table (gorgeous), love the Pollyanna reference, LOVE the scripture, love you. It really does seem that moments of knock-your-socks-off amazing thankfulness are often followed by what-the-heck days! Thank you for the reminder that any of this does not have to still our peace and joy!!! I needed that reminder this week (; God is good, all the time!

    1. Love you too, Anna! Thanks for your encouraging comments, and yes, you are totally correct with the "wow" days follow by, "What the..." days. HA!

  5. Thanks for the great blog and reminder to rejoice always...and for the great example of God's provision, when we are least expecting it! It's a good reminder for me today as we deal with our water heater going out this morning. I am thanking Him that normally I have a water heater and that there are folks who can come and replace it. Love you, Jilly!! Press on for HIM! Abracos!

    1. No water heater!!!!! AHHHH!!! Praying it gets replaced soon and hot water will resume! Hang in there friend! Oh, by the way, was telling someone the Juniper-birth story and they asked, "did you have any help?" and I was able to say all sorts of wonderful things about Aunt Karen and her family! Great to remember how the Lord was with us all those years in Brazil. Miss you!

  6. fantastic article Stew, particularly the Nacho Libre reference. JIll, i cant believe your neighbor randomly gave you a table just like the one you wanted! Surely he saw the same ad or something, no? its a sweet table! love you guys and miss you terribly! be well.

    1. Thanks Nick. I agree, Stew did an amazing job on the article. And for reals...they NEVER saw the ad, no joke. We miss you too! Finishing up school, right?! Hi to Alicia!
