Monday, August 18, 2014

Going Into Year Three!

We are back in full teaching-homework-grading mode. Six hundred kids (K-12) have come from all over the globe to attend GIS, their parents are working in and around Thailand, and we love being part of it!

We went to the US this summer; what a great time!  We got to see many of you and chat a bit. Over those six weeks, six questions came up often: 

1. How's your shoulder, Tim? 

Its doing tons better, thanks to frequent visits to physical therapists in both Thailand and USA. 

2. What exactly do you DO there?

Tim teaches secondary English/language arts at Grace International School, which has been in existence for 15 years, which educates the kids of relief workers and missionaries in SE Asia. Jill attempts to keep the ants and roaches away while feeding the rest of the family. She leads elementary worship. 

3.  How long will you all stay in Thailand?

Roots take time to grow, and in order to deepen our relationships with students, staff and neighbors, we feel this will be home for awhile.  We have no plans to return permanently to the USA.

4.  GIS offers affordable tuition for the missionaries who send their kids, how does that work?

To quote the GIS website:
Our purpose is to provide quality, low cost education to the children of Christian workers in Southeast Asia. To keep our tuition costs as low as possible, our foreign teachers..." (That’s us!) "...and staff come as volunteers through sending agencies or churches and raise 100% of their own financial support. GIS does not pay salaries or provide any financial compensation to foreign teachers.”
We are fortunate to have an incredible team who faithfully give each month. We couldn't be here without them! At the present time, we are low on monthly supporters. If you are interested in joining our support team or want to know more, drop us an email, or donate here. 

5. Are you sick of Thai food yet?

Tim: "No way!"  
Jill: "It's still great!"  
George and Finn:  "We love the pork skewers."
Juniper: "Rice and seaweed for LIFE!"

6.  What is going on with The Coup?

We just heard from our Thai friends:  "Most of the country is happy with the coup. We hope for a change and a brighter future in leadership here.  Also, there is nothing to worry about."

And....a bonus question:  

** Is your name Tim? Or Stew?


Lots of waiting. Lots of flying. 
Little sleep.
Great to see the flag again.
Layers and more layers.
Sharing at Summit Church in Spokane....talking about the mission of God.
We had a grand time! Thanks, Brad.
South Hill Bible in Spokane seeing the BIG picture of the work in SE Asia.
Great to see many familiar faces, and a few new ones. Thanks, SHBC!
Cotton candy ice cream....once every two years seems too often.
Yes, those marshmallows are unnaturally bright.
Mustard dispensers of gargantuan size.
Thanks, Finn.
This was our first choice for our car rental. The museum said no.
The force of Costco is strong.
It was a proud moment for Stew.
Ms. Juniper Bea, or...
Packing done, goodbyes said, tears shed.
Time to head back to CM and begin our third year!


  1. Fav quote: "it takes time to grow roots". Yes it does. Thankful for your obedience to the call God has for you, humbled by your transparency about real life (you love it, but it's hard sometimes), blessed by your humor. Seriously wish I could live next door and experience it with you!

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Trena! Although if you lived next door you would most likely hear kids who are too loud in the shower, and louder parents telling them to be quiet. We were excited to hear about the recent baptisms at Summit....GO GOD!
