Monday, July 8, 2013

Chiang Mai Aquatic Development Farm

Since arriving in Thailand, George has developed an intense interest in fish. He loves to catch them, raise them, and sometimes eat them. Aquariums and fancy fish are very popular (and cheap) here, so George fits right in. A few months back, I learned that one of my student's parents run a fish farm as part of their ministry. We jumped at the chance to go and have a tour. 

Chiang Mai Aquatic Development Farm is a business as mission project that has been around for 15 years. It produces 2 million tilapia fry per month! The fry are sold and are ready for the frying pan in about six months. Fifty families are supported by the farm, as well as Thai music ministries, church planting and a youth camp. 

It's so cool to see the amazing and creative ways people are making God's name known here and around the world!


  1. Fascinating! George, are you really going to eat that??

    1. That was his b-day fish from our neighbors, he shared and it was delish!

  2. Very cool! So neat to see various ways and tools being used to grow the Kingdom! Abracos Stew Fam!!

  3. How fun to see how creative and resourceful people are with their eyes on God! Tilapia makes great Baja tacos! Love u guys!

    1. Mmmmm...baja I am hungry! love you too!
