Saturday, May 18, 2013

Yesterday & Yesterday & Yesterday

We sat down to write an update tonight and couldn't remember much from the past six weeks--it's been a blur! Luckily, our phones had a few pics on them to tell the story. 

One year of service=one flower.  Nice job, Stew!

International Day. An American and a Canadian representing Brazil in Thailand.  What? 
Hot days of over 100 degrees require makeshift pools.
George Sawyer and Huck Finn

Hair cut = happiness
Stew helped organize a service project for the 10th graders, sweeping the neighborhood.
BYOB: Bring your own broom. 
Happy Thai New Years! They celebrate with a countrywide water fight. 
  "Are these grasshoppers fresh?"
Jill & Juni getting to know the Thai staff at school. 

Stew's hosted a satirical coffee shop for class one day. Who says high school English is no fun?    
Write On! The annual poetry and prose night at a local coffee shop for students with contest-winning entries. 
Jill worked on fixing up the guest house.
Red welcome mat is out; come on has AC!
The kids are doing well with  life here in Thailand.  At the moment they are all healthy.. hooray

Thanks for your emails, your support, and the prayers you say on our you all!


  1. Such adventures! No wonder it's been a blur! Almost a whole year behind you! Our hearts are proud of you all! That guest room looks excellent!!! Mind if we try it out in, say, 2 weeks or so?????? Love you! Can hardly wait!!!

  2. Man, we miss you guys SO MUCH!!! Such great pix! Wish we could come stay in your guest house for a week or two or ten!!! Love you guys so much!

    1. Come on over, you guys! There is always a job at the school to do, you will fit right in :) We miss you!

  3. Such a great blog of pictures!! Everyone looks so happy! Love the picture at the end of the 3 kids :) Sure wish we could come stay in the guest house too...although the bed might be a little squishy for 7 of us! ;) So glad you get some family coming to stay soon! Love & miss you all!

    1. Thanks Dan and Shell! We are doing pretty good here...grateful for the peace we have that this is where we are suppose to be, regardless. The kids are really loving life here, out catching all sorts of 'things' and wanting to keep them all. You guys come over anytime...that guesthouse has a whole other side, we can line up mattresses and throw all the kids on them!

  4. Thanks for the update, I love seeing pictures of you all and what you're up to. The guest house looks first rate! Everyone seems to be having lots of adventures over there... glad you're enjoying it! ♥
