Monday, March 11, 2013

Ministry Day 2013

We sang, we prayed, we listened to challenging messages from Monday through Thursday of Spiritual Emphasis Week at GIS. Then came Friday, the culminating event--app time! All the middle and high school students deployed to various orphanages, schools, and nursing homes across Chiang Mai to spread the love of Jesus.
My group, 25 students from the 10th grade and my sister Evangeline, loaded into songtaews (the truck/buses of Thailand) and bumpd our way to Hope House--a home and school that serves 50-60 orphaned children from various hill tribes. Hope House is run by the parents of one of George's classmates.
We spent the school day with this radiant bunch of kids--leading them in crafts, songs, games, and activities. As is often the case, most of my students commented, "We came to be a blessing but left feeling more blessed and thankful ourselves."
It was a privilege to play a small part in the amazing work the Lord is doing at Hope House, not to mention to see teenagers engaging in acts of love.

For more info on Hope House:

Thanks for reading!!!


  1. What an awesome way to be a blessing in your community! Press on, Friends! Abracos!

  2. What wonderful pictures! Bring tears to my eyes!!!! Many prayers for all of you there!

  3. Loved seeing your joy with the kids! We thank the Lord for you!
