Monday, November 19, 2012

Top 12 of 2012

We just realized we've had Tim in the ER on our blog for quite some time...he got bettah! (Monty Python accent.) His face and neck have healed up and his stomach is settling down too. Thanks for your prayers and concern.

We live with basically three seasons year round; all of them are HOT!  It's hard to tell when the holidays are approaching.  There are no big sales, no inflated turkeys, no snow globes.  Yet Thanksgiving is this week, and it's time to start searching for the flavors of home and paying quadruple the price...but it's worth it.  Once a year. 

In honor of the holiday, here are:

12 Things We're Thankful For in 2012 
 (in no particular order)

1.  You--the readers, the encouragers, the supporters.

2.  "Fish and reptiles."  -George

3.  The wonders of creation all around us. 

4.   Two sets of parental units who have been and continue to be great role models.

5.  "My brother and sister."  -Finn

6.  Freely given and richly lavished Salvation.

7.  The privilege to live in Thailand to share the gift mentioned in  #6.

8.  "Rice!"  -Juniper

9.   Mercies that are new every morning.  

10.  "Clothes dryer, indoor plumbing, rat poison."  -Jill

11.  Caring neighbors & superb friends in each country we have lived in.

12.  "Spicy Thai food, antacids, more spicy Thai food."  -Tim

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! 
His faithful love endures forever." 
Psalm 136:1

1 comment:

  1. Great list of blessings!!! And we add our thanks that Tim survived, that God is watching over all of you there. Praying He will give you the hugs we can't right now. Happy Thanksgiving, dear little Family!!!
