Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Our Last Stateside Update...for a bit...

We have finished our first leg of the journey--Spokane to Seattle--that wasn't so bad. Only 18 more hours in the air. Everything has continued to come together beautifully, and we are amazed to report as of yesterday, we have:
100% Monthly Support!!!!
Absolutely incredible!! It has been brutal saying goodbye to family and friends, but we feel the love and prayers and are excited about this next big step across the ocean.

"[We] will go in the strength of the Lord God: [we] will make mention of Your righteousness, even Yours only."
Psalm 71:16 (NKJV)


  1. Thank you, Jesus for...100% support, an airplane seat for everyone, tiny toys & magazines to entertain, sleeping aids for some of those next 18 hours, and so much more!! Love you guys!! Praying for you muchly!!

  2. Many mixed feelings! Thankful that you are going in His strength and under His protection. And praising Him for the 100 % support! With you in spirit, mom/grma

  3. Praise Him for his provision. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures. Continued prayers for all of you as well.
