Friday, June 8, 2012

Just For Fun

For the first time ever: A guest contributor!!!

 Griffith Luke

Thai Dining
by Griffith Luke

          …but in the true spirit of support and sacrifice, the other day, I anxiously approached the odd stained facade of a small Thai restaurant down the road; across the street bright beams of light and harped angels from the heavens highlighted the Dairy Queen. Yet still, with less than 10 minutes of self-debate, pacing, and a dwindling courage, I entered that restaurant still unsure of my decision. And when I finished the last bite, wiped my sweaty brow, I look back across the street in relief. I imagined if I had chosen differently. What would I have missed? So, I walked back up to the front counter near the tip jar, rifled clumsily through my wallet for some bills, still a little flushed from the meal, and the young lady asked me if I liked the new recipe, and was it too spicy? I almost felt offended. Why ask me this? But I stopped myself. A cooler head prevailed today. So I paused, looked up, sighed, and then I told her that the new chili dogs are great, and I could definitely use a large blizzard to cool me off!

1 comment:

  1. Ha!!! Good one! I was sure he would have taken" the road less traveled." Sigh...
