Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Plane Tickets Are In Our Hands!

 Things are moving QUICKLY around here lately...

We've purchased our plane tickets. We depart for Thailand on July 18.
Our plane ticket and set-up glass is 100% full plus some!
Our monthly support glass is 81% full!

 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! 
Praise the LORD!
Psalm 150:6 ESV

Friday, June 8, 2012

Just For Fun

For the first time ever: A guest contributor!!!

 Griffith Luke

Thai Dining
by Griffith Luke

          …but in the true spirit of support and sacrifice, the other day, I anxiously approached the odd stained facade of a small Thai restaurant down the road; across the street bright beams of light and harped angels from the heavens highlighted the Dairy Queen. Yet still, with less than 10 minutes of self-debate, pacing, and a dwindling courage, I entered that restaurant still unsure of my decision. And when I finished the last bite, wiped my sweaty brow, I look back across the street in relief. I imagined if I had chosen differently. What would I have missed? So, I walked back up to the front counter near the tip jar, rifled clumsily through my wallet for some bills, still a little flushed from the meal, and the young lady asked me if I liked the new recipe, and was it too spicy? I almost felt offended. Why ask me this? But I stopped myself. A cooler head prevailed today. So I paused, looked up, sighed, and then I told her that the new chili dogs are great, and I could definitely use a large blizzard to cool me off!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Why Grace?

Here's a short promotional video from Grace International School.

Seven followers!!! The number of perfection!

Support Update:
Set-up/Plane tickets: 75%
Monthly Support: 52%

Thanks Everyone!!