Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Carnival to Create Change

Not your average carnival. Not your average crowd (for this area).

Partnering with Joni and Friends, our family played a part in planning and running a personalized fair for local kids and teens with disabilities. For many of the attending families, this was the first time they experienced an atmosphere of love, acceptance and personal attention.

We relished this day. We still talk about it. On the way home Finn stated, "Next year will be great doing this again!"

Why is this so special to us?

This is my younger brother, Joe.  The Lord gave him to our family over 30 years ago.  Joe has given us a great gift:  a heart for people living with disabilities.

The challenges that confront families affected by disability are magnified in developing countries. Because of their disability, these families are often marginalized within their own cultures. Resources, education, and health services are extremely limited. Impoverished living conditions can bring even greater difficulty.                     -Joni and 

 We believe God has called us to have a small part in changing this reality here in Thailand.

At the carnival, we all fell in love with Gaaw. Here is his story, told by my friend who ran the Family Retreat:

This year at Family Retreat it was neat to hear from returning families. These grandparents are raising their grandson with hydrocephalus and they shared how last year before they came, they had nearly given up fighting for him. They just didn't feel like they could go on and had lost hope. 

Last year inspired them to keep on fighting for Gaaw and his life.

This year you could see such a difference, I don't think I ever saw them without a beaming smile on their face. One of my favorite moments was watching both grandparents beam proudly while they helped little Gaaw 'fish' during the carnival. Another favorite was this grandpa going down the water slide like a pro!

It was incredible how the Lord gave us an opportunity to be a part of this. We are already planning how to make it even better next year!

In other news...

Over spring break, we went north where peaches (a treat here) and cool weather (a HUGE treat) are plentiful.  We weren't sure if it was wise to go with Stew's surgery a few days previous but with the help of pain medication and lots of deep breathing, we made it work! Since Stew had to rest and recover, he might as well have a view.

It was so nice to have a few days to rejuvenate before the last, crazy-busy six weeks of the school year.

The foxholes by the Myanmar/Thailand border.  Hours of hide and seek potential.

Since Stew couldn't go out and look for critters, they came to us.  Jill found this little non-poisonous guy in the bathroom.

Former opium farms have been converted to growing tea.

Thanks for reading.  Thanks for your prayers and support.