Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Three Requirements

There are three requirements:

     1.  No family.
     2.  No food. 
     3.  No education.

Hope House exists for children under 18 who meet these horrible criteria. 
It currently houses approximately 60 kids from the surrounding hill tribes of northern Thailand.

For the second year in a row (last years adventure) a group of two dozen high schoolers from GIS spent a day of fun with these special children.

The class shirt.

 Keeping things in order.

Starting the day off in prayer.

And they're off......

Stew's beard was a phenomenon.
Pretty good resemblance through the eyes of a child.

The five-year-old boy above survived for eight months on his own. He scrounged for food and lodging wherever was possible during the day.  
Thankfully, he was brought here to Hope House and now has hope for the future.