Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Not every day you see a dragon in the store!!!  Happy Chinese New Year, from Thailand!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Since we last blogged, it feels like we've slipped into survival mode. We spent the Christmas holiday sick--pneumonia, stomach flu, colds, fevers. Perhaps we're still getting accustomed to a new set of germs. We recovered just in time to jump into a new school year. The weather is pleasant right now; it gets as cool as 55 degrees Fahrenheit at night, then back up into the 90s during the day. The rice farmers have begun burning their fields, so the air is getting a bit thick. Unfortunately, the smoke fills up our valley and just hangs around. Occasional winds and rain showers have been a welcome blessing.

At GIS, we are busy and time is flying! Finn celebrated his 100th day of school last week and we suddenly realized this school year is over half over. Tim has been pretty swamped with work--getting used to a new school and new curriculum--but it is a great place, and he receives a lot of support.

Jill continues to navigate her way around, getting the needs for life here, practicing her Thai  and keeping up with the kids,as well as spending time getting to know new friends and neighbors.

Here's a few pics covering the last couple months. Thanks for viewing!!!

Nice cool nights!
Jill experienced a big tire blowout on a busy road.  Thankfully, everything worked out and a good Samaritan stopped to help and only charged $10. 
The Mickey of Chiang Mai?
Juniper takes on Mount Pad Thai.
The kids were pretty good about hanging out while we were sick.
Happy New Year!  A gift from our good friends, candy and new plates!
This picture sums up our Christmas break.
Finn getting repeated shots for pneumonia.  Not the Christmas gift he was hoping for. He is doing tons better and declared, "I feel like a new man!"
Juniper turned 2! 
In the middle of running around the neighborhood catching critters and playing with friends.
High School Chapel at GIS! Scattered here and there are Tim's students.