Sunday, October 28, 2012

Things That Go THUD In The Night

I thought I had heard just about every sound in the middle of the night...but this one, this THUD, was a new one.  It was the sound of a face hitting the tile in the bathroom.  I flew out of bed and found Stew, face down, with blood beginning to puddle on the floor from somewhere on his head.  

 It was the culmination of two weeks of not feeling well, and followed by some herbal tea to help it out.  The THUD was him passing out from the intense abdominal pain. Needless to say, I was a little freaked out.
We have amazing neighbors and coworkers who came to help us, Stew got in the ER right away, bottom line was that he was lucky and needed lots of medicine but no stitches. Luck?  No way.  God.  He protected Stew from what could have been a very nasty fall.  But even if Stew would have more injuries...we serve a God who is still good, even during the rough times.